Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pittsburgh Children's Hospital

Our destination bright and early tomorrow morning: Pittsburgh Children's Hospital. About a 2 hour drive there and we are leaving at 7 AM (which means a 5:45AM wake up for Mommy!) to be there by 9:45AM. This is just an office visit to determine for sure that M has a hernia and what the plan of action will be. I am hoping they are planning on doing more than just poke the area and say "Yep, she has a hernia" like the oh so wonderful ER doctor did last week. I imagine they will, since they ARE pediatric surgeons.
I have had wonderful experiences with Pediatric Surgeons. The team at Buffalo's Women's and Children's Hospital were absolutely fantastic with M's birth and gastroschisis repair and recovery, so I have very high hopes for the surgeons at Pittsburgh as well.
I imagine she will need surgery, as it is common for the type of hernia she has: inguinal (groin).
Hopefully will have an update tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! You are in my prayers. Text me if you want and let me know how it goes. Love you!
