Monday, November 8, 2010

Everyone's poop stinks.

So, there is this kid who is in my Natural Disasters class (which is a 3 hour class twice a week might I add) who thinks that his poop doesn't stink, for lack of a better phrase. This is one of my top 3 pet peeves (my other two being 1. People who don't say thank you when you hold a door open and B. People who intentionally create drama for themselves and everyone around them). And I have to listen to this kid make snide remarks for 3 hours. Twice a week. Now, all of his remarks have to do with the same person in our class. There is this girl who isn't exactly the brightest girl in the world, so she tends to ask a lot of questions during class, a lot of irrelevant questions. However, every single time she opens her mouth to speak, this kid absolutely HAS to make a remark about how stupid she is and how she should just shut up. Really? Because I do believe that you sitting there making remarks like that about her every time she speaks is about a thousand times more annoying, and immature to boot, than her asking a question. Listen kid, it doesn't make you seem any smarter (because to be honest, he asks some pretty stupid and irrelevant questions himself and always asks questions that he already knows the answers to. FAIL.) and it honestly just makes you seem like an inconsiderate moron. Oh, and not to mention the fact that he doesn't even pay attention in the class. He texts the entire time. So, my question is, why does it matter if she is going to ask questions, no matter how stupid or irrelevant they may be, if you aren't even paying attention to the lecture?

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