Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bad Neighbors

I'm sure we have all had bad neighbors in our lifetimes.
There's the neighbor who is too loud. Blaring bad music with the bass turned up so that's all you can hear through the walls/ceilings. Always having friends over and shouting at each other cause they can't hear each other over the music. I don't have a solution for this neighbor, although I wish I did.
There's the neighbor whose dog always poops in your yard. And never picks it up. My solution (even though I have honestly never been in this situation)? Pick up the dog poop and put it in your neighbors yard. Better yet, on the front doorstep.

I know there are other types of neighbors, but those are the two that come to mind. The latter just because I thought my solution was funny.
The former, well, that's the situation I am in right now.
I live in an apartment complex, so of course the walls are thin. I know it's hard to keep quiet as mice all the time when you live in a place with thin walls. It's simply not logical to ask someone to be that quiet all the time. Especially when you have a toddler that just loves to screech and scream all day long, and you really have no way of knowing how loud you are being yourself. But, it's another thing to be loud and know you are being loud without any concern for those that live around you. That's what bothers me.
We just had a couple with 2 children move in next door to us. They are young, younger than me and my hubster are. They have young children as well. And a bird. We know how hard it is to keep your kids quiet and what not, especially when they are very young and have no sense of being loud and obnoxious. What gets me is that they like to have their music up. Fine. But, they have to have the bass going as well. Not so fine. They also sound like they have elephants running into the walls constantly. It just baffles me as to what in the world they could be doing to have to slam into the walls like that and be so oblivious that people live on the other side of that wall they are slamming into. Like I said before, I know you can't help it sometimes, but for it to be as constant as it is? Just makes me wonder.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Wishy Washy Weather

It's been wishy washy weather in NWPA this winter. If you could even call this season winter. I'm not sure what you would call it!
Temperatures have been way warmer than normal and we've barely had any snow. Not that I am complaining because I, for one, am not a fan of the cold weather. But I wish Mother Nature would make up her mind already and pick something! *cough*WARM WEATHER*cough*
I am excited to be taking a trip to the beach this summer (Presque Isle in Erie, PA which will always be a very special place to me) and to take Madison along with us. I know she will be happy to play in the sand making sand castles and digging holes with her Daddy (looks like I am going to be buying multiples of shovels and buckets!!) and hopefully will like to play in the water as well!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I have recently gotten back into writing, and have decided (with the help of a friend) that I am going to share my writings through a blog.
I am going to be creating another blog that are solely my pieces of writing, nothing else!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

1 Year.

It goes by fast. My darling little princess is 1 year old already today. And is walking and talking and feeding herself. I feel like it was just yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital  after a month in the NICU (my little inside out baby). I remember Cody and I struggled for a half an hour to get her buckled in her carseat. She cried the whole way home. And most of the evening/night at home as well. She settled down after that.
For the longest time, she was always too small for her clothes. She SWAM in almost everything that we put her in. She hated tummy time.
Now, a whole year later, she's too BIG for most of her clothes. We put something on her, and her sleeves or pants are too short or we can't button it. She's surpassed the hated tummy time stage and has moved on to walking, trying to walk, and crawling up the stairs all by herself.
It's so crazy how fast a year can go by. Happy Birthday Princess. Mommy and Daddy love you!