Friday, February 24, 2012

Wishy Washy Weather

It's been wishy washy weather in NWPA this winter. If you could even call this season winter. I'm not sure what you would call it!
Temperatures have been way warmer than normal and we've barely had any snow. Not that I am complaining because I, for one, am not a fan of the cold weather. But I wish Mother Nature would make up her mind already and pick something! *cough*WARM WEATHER*cough*
I am excited to be taking a trip to the beach this summer (Presque Isle in Erie, PA which will always be a very special place to me) and to take Madison along with us. I know she will be happy to play in the sand making sand castles and digging holes with her Daddy (looks like I am going to be buying multiples of shovels and buckets!!) and hopefully will like to play in the water as well!

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