Friday, January 7, 2011

Poor Decisions and Rendering the Consequences

Why do we have such a hard time coping with the fact that we make bad decisions?
Why do we have to complain about the situations that we get ourselves into when we conciously make a poor decision?
Why can't we live with the fact that we just made a poor decision and got ourselves into a sticky situation, get out of it as best as we can, and forget about it?

This is something I can't understand. I understand the fact that we are all going to make poor decisions and make mistakes in our lifetimes. However, what I don't fully comprehend are those who constantly make poor decisions, despite advice from others after they ask for it repeatedly, but then constantly complain that they are in a sticky or a foul situation. You made a conscious decision, one that you knew at the time probably was not the right move. Everyone does it. It's part of our nature. There are definitely just times where we have to test our boundaries, our limits, what is right and what is wrong in our own minds. However, we should also be able to render the consequences that come along with the decisions that we make.

So I guess my question is this: why make a conciously bad decision/poor choice when you know ahead of time what the consequence will be?

For example: This is something I have seen happen a lot with girls (myself a few times included, I won't lie). They like a guy, who is obviously treating them poorly, but yet they continue to give everything they have to him. They know that he is probably just using them as a ploy, for sex, for whatever. Yet, they continue to do whatever they can to please him. And then complain about the situation they have gotten themselves into, saying they don't know how they got there and that they don't know what to do. Yes, I have been there. Yes, I did my fair share of complaining. However, I look back on these situations now, and just ask myself: why was I so stupid? And why couldn't I have just accepted that I made a poor decision in something and must now live with the consquences?

Maybe it is just part of who we are, and it's just something we grow out of. Maybe, we don't grow out of it. Maybe, we just grow more conscious of the fact that we are making a mistake, and we still have to live with the consequences, but we just need something to complain about it. Maybe this question just doesn't have an answer.
Who knows.

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