Saturday, November 27, 2010

The "S" Word

Well, it is officially winter here in Buffalo. We had our first accumulating snowfall yesterday, and are expecting some more today at some point. I can't say that I am too thrilled about it, because although I love the snow, I aboslutely HATE the cold part. And yes, I am fully aware that you can't have one without the other. A girl can dream, can't she?
I don't really have much to post about other than that today. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, as I hope all of you did as well. Of course, we all ate entirely too much and spent the rest of our night in a food induced coma for the most part, not really doing much of anything. The fiancee and I drove home yesterday morning, a fairly uneventful ride except for the discovery of snow the farther north we went.
Upon our arrival into Buffalo, we found that the winds had made Lake Erie extremely choppy and that the waves were breaking nicely over the barriers (or are they wave breakers? I'm not sure...). We decided to take a little drive down to the waterfront to see if it was worth running home and grabbing cameras. We decided that it was, so we each grabbed a camera and I bundled up as much as I could (I'm a wimp and was already cold, not to mention the fact that there is literally almost  a 10 degree difference by the water). Unfortunately, we couldn't get very good pictures of the waves breaking over the barriers, we just weren't in a good spot. I managed to grab some decent pictures though, and would like to share.

1 comment:

  1. I totally stole the top picture and made it the wallpaper on my Mac. It's so pretty!!
