Something I have been thinking about for awhile now. Is privacy in a marriage/relationship a privilege or a right?
I have been seeing a lot of stories over the past few months of (mostly women) who just happen upon their husbands things (usually their cell phones) and take it upon themselves to take a peek. Then, they find something that can be (all circumstantial, mind you) incriminating against their husband, usually a text or an unknown number. First thought of these women, "He's cheating! What else can I do to catch him and make him confess?!" My thoughts" Bull crap. All of it.
First of all, what kind of trust do you have that you feel the need to be going through your husband's things? Does he not deserve the privilege/right to privacy and to know that his things aren't being gone through?
In opinion, if you are feeling the need to go through your husband's things, there are way more issues standing at that moment then whether or not he is cheating on you. Clearly, there is a reason in which you already no longer trust him. Guilty conscience? That's what I think. It may not be along the lines of cheating, but I feel like there is definitely a guilty conscience over something. For me, it goes along the lines of the cheating spouse (just an example) getting angry and accusing the other spouse of cheating on them; when in reality, they are the ones doing the cheating.
Secondly, it also seems like sometimes these women are just looking for something to go wrong. Searching for it. Usually, these are the women who cannot go a day in their lives without having some sort of drama. They thrive on it. They need it to function. Nothing is more entertaining to them.
Like I said, just something I have been thinking about for quite awhile!